Writer and expert10 years ago

April marks the onset of Earth Month, and here at BeautyExpert we want to celebrate this important time with you. If you’re not already familiar with Earth Month, then let us tell you a little bit more…
Earth Month focuses on bringing environmental issues to the forefront, and tackles problems like climate change, drinking water standards, animal protection and more. The organisers campaign to make our world a better and healthier place to live, and we’re showing our support by showcasing some of our top cruelty free makeup and skin care brands that are available to buy right here at!
Writer and expert

Major fan of scented candles, Make Up brushes and Highlighter. I’m always on the hunt for those Holy Grail products and my dressing table is covered in more beauty products than I like to admit. As an adopted Northerner originally from Brighton, I spend most my days wondering what all this rain is about. My hair isn’t grateful for the move.
Currently loving: NIOD Photography Fluid
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