And to make things a bit worse, I've just noticed that I need to get back to the gym as I've been in hibernation mode for the past few weeks.
Cue huge resolution to go to the gym at least 3 times a week for the next 6 weeks to get into shape to look good at the party.
Although.. I have just discovered this product called Rodial Crash Diet, which may be the answer to all my prayers and potentially the equivalent of my 4th gym visit of the week (without me having to leave the comfort of the sofa).
It helps to reduce fluid retention and stimulates the natural breakdown of fat (might need a bit more than only 150ml - can I bath in it?!) Crash Diet also claims to have scientifically proven results so that's a good enough reason for me to dash home and cover myself head to toe.
Now to furiously search the web for my perfect party outfit combination. Here goes!