We all have our little things that we love on and around Christmas, so we thought that on the eve of Christmas we would do a little reminder about what we love about the festive season.
Every year when Christmas comes around we get inundated with nails, dresses and baubles all covered in glitter. But this is the time to go all out, wear it head to toe, clash or match your shades and make sure that you sparkle this Christmas. Here are a few from Beauty Expert that we feel are mighty appropriate for the season.

Butter London in Jack the Lad, Butter London Lippy in Queen Vic, Daniel Sandler Luxury Gloss in Vivid Energy, New Cid Cosmetics I-Color Cream Eyeshadow in Zinc, New Cid Lipgloss in Cuba Libre, Lord & Berry Seta Premier Matte Eyeshadow, Bellapierre Cosmetics Glitter Powder in Sparkle, Jemma Kidd Starduct Creme Shadows in Aurora and Jessica Nails in Sizzle.
Before and after Christmas all we can think about is our waistlines but comes Christmas eve through to Boxing Day, we would say that there are no rules. Tins of biscuits, boxes of Celebrations, cheese boards and of course, Christmas Dinner with it's big turkey and all the trimmings bring your family and friends together. Not forgetting the amazing sleepy feeling you get after. Here is a collection of foods, drinks and sweet treats getting us excited for the big day.

It's the season for getting glamorous on more than one occasion, with the invites coming through from the office, friends and family it's about time you got your stilettos and best frock on for a really great night of dancing and socializing. Make new friends, catch up with old and meet somebody great under the mistletoe, feel free to have fun and laugh loads this Christmas.

The most important factor about Christmas is most certainly Family. Bringing together your relatives from all over the country (or world) to sit down, laugh and eat gorgeous food ensures that family ties remain strong, even if you can't see them all of the time.

And lastly, Relaxing. Whether you've got 2 days off or 2 weeks, make the most of this time and get your feet up. Watch rubbish Christmas television, eat lots of sweets and get those new fluffy socks from Gran on.
We hope you enjoy all of the above and from the Beauty Expert team, we hope you have a wonderful Christmas.
Merry Christmas