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This Magazine Editor’s Top Tip For Feeling Confident

This Magazine Editor’s Top Tip For Feeling Confident
Gareth Chidgey
Writer and expert8 years ago
View Gareth Chidgey's profile

To kick of a month of inspirational stories from women all around the world, we’ve sat down with the founder and editor of online fashion magazine

to find out who inspires her and uncover her number one tip for feeling confident.

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Which one woman inspires you the most?

"There are lots of inspiring women in our industry, there are inspiring magazine editors and fashion brand owners but ultimately I’m inspired by successful women in business."

Anna Wintour

What’s the beast piece of beauty advice your mother gave you?

"It was probably that because we’re fair we need to define our brows - otherwise our foreheads just go on forever!"

What skincare advice would you give to your younger self?

"It would have to be to not lie in the sun. It’s an oldie but it’s true."

What’s your top tip for feeling confident?

My number one tip for feeling confident has to be to get a blow dry!

If you could only use one product for the rest of your life, what would it be?

"It would be a really good, shiny top coat."

What’s the best piece of career advice that you would give?

"To work hard, then work even harder. And that you make your own luck."

Want to see more of Georgie? Check out her top beauty desk essentials here

Gareth Chidgey
Writer and expert
View Gareth Chidgey's profile