International Women's Day 2019: Balance For Better
As a continuation of last year's Talking Heads: The Journey to the Top campaign, this year we are focusing on the International Women's Day campaign theme 'Balance For Better'. Speaking to three influential and inspirational beauty power figures, we discussed everything from the origins of their beauty empire, to balancing motherhood in an ever-changing working environment.
We first spoke to Sonia Deasy, co-founder of iconic skincare brand Pestle & Mortar, to talk about her journey to a more balanced way of living.
Pestle & Mortar: Skincare that Works as Hard as You Do
The idea was born in 2006
The Pestle & Mortar brand was born out of a desire to fulfil a growing need among women's skincare and to give them more confidence; "I realised that a lot of women had the same skincare concerns as me - namely dull and dehydrated skin."
"I couldn't find a simple skincare solution on the market so I set about creating my own."
Botanical remedies inspired by a rich Indian history
However, there's an element of heritage that plays a role in the Pestle & Mortar origins story, which brings Sonia closer to her roots in India; "I was inspired by my heritage to start my own brand. My grandfather was the local medicine man in India and my uncle still practises in the same spot. Natural healing has been part of my family for over 100 years, over six generations."
An abundance of passion was a recipe for success
It's clear that passion and determination run through Sonia's veins, and she is adamant that anyone looking to join the beauty industry needs to be "absolutely passionate about what you're going to do. If you're passionate about something, it will shine through and you will be successful."
Her attitude to beauty has evolved over time
The importance of skincare was instilled upon her from an early age, but that didn't stop Sonia and her sister from experimenting with makeup: "My parents are Indian and when I was growing up they didn't agree with myself and my sister wearing a lot of makeup, we were taught to look after our skin. However, we did occasionally hide away in the bathroom to try out kohl eye liner and bright pink lipstick". These days Sonia likes to keep her beauty routine stripped back, revealing that...
"I feel most beautiful at the end of the day, after I've cleansed my skin and removed my makeup. It makes me feel relaxed."

She is the epitome of modern elegance, proud to be a woman today
When it comes to International Women's Day 2019, Sonia is proud to say;
"I love everything about being a woman. We are strong, we are soft, I definitely view being a woman as an asset".
This positive outlook is certainly conveyed to Sonia's thirteen-year-old daughter Sophia, who is looking on proudly from backstage.
Balance For Better is part of the Pestle & Mortar culture
The Pestle & Mortar brand is built on the foundation of 'Balance For Better', Sonia explains "We employ 25 people and we treat all of our employees as a family. They all share our brand vision and philosophies."
Follow the Talking Heads: Balance For Better Campaign

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