It’s no secret that Australian model and health enthusiast Miranda Kerr loves a wellness trick or two. From rose quartz healing crystals to super foods for your skin, the beauty maven is a well-practised in road testing the new trends in the wonderful world of wellness.
A columnist for
, a lifestyle website focused on all things wellness, the supermodel admits to trying out a number of peculiar tricks in the name of feeling good. She writes: “I’ve tried leech therapy for my skin – which was interesting. I quite liked it.”https://www.instagram.com/p/BF1boSLkMIh/?taken-by=mirandakerr
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The trend involves placing leeches onto the skin and letting them suck out blood and rubbing it all over the skin. Some practitioners believe that it helps to achieve tighter, brighter skin.”
But leeches are not the only ‘out-there’ beauty craze that the model has tried out over the years.
“I’ve done a goat milk cleanse a few times. You have to get specific herbs to take with the goat milk, and it’s really good to clean your body.”
However, aside from the slightly obscure tricks. There’s one simple hack that we can all do that the model claims to make a massive difference to her energy levels – having a completely cold shower first thing in the morning.
“It’s so energising and good for your circulation and your hair – basically it’s good for everything. But if you’re not feeling that intense, at the end of your shower you can just rinse with cold water.”
Miranda is such a fan of the somewhat chilling hack that she even lets her son do the same. “I do every single day. I love it. Even my son, Flynn, loves it too. He doesn’t take a full cold shower but he does the rinse at the end”.
But why is a cold shower good for you?
Well, whilst hot water has the tendency to dry out the skin, cold water tightens the cuticles and the pores preventing them from getting clogged. Cold water also improves circulation by encouraging blood to surround the organs, leading arteries to pump blood around the body more efficiently.
Other key benefits include helping to ease stress, relieve depression and stimulate weight loss.
Looks like we’ll be turning the hot tap down for good.
Want more? Discover ‘How to have the perfect bath’ here

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