Upon the arrival of 2016, a new compilation of fitness trends has come to light. After allowing ourselves to binge over Christmas, it's time to get back on track. Here at Beauty Expert, we know the traditional New Year resolution involves taking regular trips to the gym which can often begin to feel repetitive and boring! This year, we've rounded up some of the biggest trends for 2016, for both you & us to try out...
If you follow us on Pinterest then it's to no surprise that yoga features in our New Year fitness trends. Yoga is a great way to get fit as it has so many benefits. Not only does it tone and define your muscles, it also helps to improve your flexibility and fitness, as well as helping you to relax! Take 15 minutes each day to practice and you're sure to burn those Christmas calories in no time!

HIIT, otherwise known as High-Intensity Interval Training is an astonishingly effective way to burn calories. It is both time-saving and more beneficial than a general workout - proving to burn more fat in less time! Exercising in this not only you means you don't have to spend as much time exercising, it also means you're likely to be burning fat for up to 48 hours after your workout!

When fitness is mentioned, the first thing that comes to mind is the physical benefits. Even though it's nice to burn calories and achieve weight goals, the mental benefits of exercise are what really make it worth it. Working out can dramatically ease anxiety and stress, as well as helping to boost self-confidence! Dancing and meditation are great exercises to ease your mind; both are explained in more detail below.

Dancing not only has a whole host of physical benefits, it also has many benefits for the mind! Along with the general calorie burning, organ function improvements and muscle building, dancing has been proven to boost confidence and self-esteem. Dedicating yourself to adopt dancing regularly as a hobby also improves your psychological well-being and social skills. This is due to the release of feel good hormones and chemicals in the brain which are triggered by exercise. Sounds like a winner to us!

A new fitness trend which is expected to take over during 2016 is the use of leisurewear. Over the years, stylish Spandex tops and leggings have become increasingly popular due to their comfort and flexibility. This is one trend we are definitely willing to get involved in; looking good whilst making ourselves look good! Take a look over at MyProtein for a collection of super stylish gym wear - it ticks all the boxes when it comes to design, fit & comfort!

Stress reduction, improved health & sleep, positive thinking & happiness are just some of the benefits to meditation so it's definitely one we're going to be taking up this year! Just 15 minutes a day is all you need to really benefit! Traditionally, meditation would be classed as a solo activity, but with drop-in sessions being held in so many locations - there's no reason to not get involved.

Hints and Tips
Don’t skip breakfast
The statement 'breakfast is the most important meal of the day' you always heard as a child wasn't just said without good reason. A healthy breakfast sets you up for the day - giving you energy to complete activities , as well as helping to concentrate when necessary too!
Eating large quantities of fruit is the main dietary tip that comes to most peoples minds. What isn't usually acknowledged is the fact that fruits are high in fructose. This is a natural sugar which can lead to weight gain. Darker coloured fruits such as blueberries, blackberries and strawberries are full of antioxidants and fibre and are generally lower in fructose; making them the perfect go-to fruits.
Cut white carbohydrates
Swapping out your white bread or pasta for wholemeal will bring a whole host of health benefits! Not only will cutting out white carbs decrease your risk of heart disease, it's also full of fibre which leaves you feeling fuller for longer! You'll find yourself with improved digestive health as well as shedding inches off your waistline. It's a change that is too simple to avoid!

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